

Speech Therapy via our Speech Language Pathologists (SLP) provide expertise evaluations and treatments for children and adults whom have communication limitations, (speech(verbally and non-verbally, language, voice), and eating or swallowing disorders in children and adults including patients with conditions of the head and neck, Neurological Diseases (Stroke, Parkinson’s, ALS) and Atypical Child Development (Autism and developmental delays).

The goal of Speech Therapy is to provide the comfort and skills to maintain the client’s independence with communication, eating or swallowing.


Outpatient Adult and Pediatric Rehabilitation Clinic


In the first years of life, it’s difficult to determine whether or not a child has a possible speech, language, or feeding disability.   Speech-Language Pathologists (SLP) can help parents and children by diagnosing the problem as a language impairment (difficulty understanding and using words to communicate and function with other people) such as blending of sounds together, a speech sound disorder (difficulties with articulation and speech intelligibility), stuttering, or feeding disorders (motor difficulties in the tongue, jaw or throat that impact the child’s ability to eat). Our Speech Language Pathologists aim is to teach the child and parents methods that are effective in improving these areas that meet the needs of the family and the client.


Speech Therapy provides expertise and treatment interventions for cognitive issues, language or speech sound production, social and swallowing impairments in relation to a Stroke, Traumatic Brain Injury, or progressive diseases such as Parkinson’s Disease or ALS.  We aim to improve the person’s ability to communicate, talk, eat and think.

Communication and swallowing:

Our Speech Therapy team provide therapy to address developmental and physical areas that affect speech, eating and swallowing in children and adults.

Nine areas of assessment and interventions:

  • Articulation
  • Language
  • Hearing
  • Swallowing
  • Cognitive
  • Voice
  • Fluency, IE. Stuttering
  • Motor speech disorders
  • Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC)