Home Health Care

Understanding Lymphedema and Treatment Options

March is National Lymphedema Month.  Kirsten Becker, PT recently completed the Manual Lymph Drainage (Vodder Technique) and Complete Decongestive Therapy Training program with Klose Training.  This included Manual Lymph Drainage and Lymphedema bandaging. What is the difference between EDEMA and LYMPHEDEMA?  Edema is a symptom of the body’s normal response to an injury such as a sprain, etc.  As healing progresses, excess fluid leaves the area and the swelling goes down.  Lymphedema is a disease condition that occurs when the [...]


Realistic New Year’s Resolutions: Living With Depression

This article is from NAMI.ORG   Jan. 10, 2018 Living with mental illness this time of year can be particularly difficult. There’s a lot of pressure to “start over” or “begin again” or revamp how you live your entire life. But this stigmatizing thought process is not only unhelpful, it’s actually harmful to mental health recovery. The fact is, we can’t start over or become entirely new people when the clock strikes midnight. We can only try a little bit harder from where we [...]